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Our Services

... General questions about gardens and permaculture


... Chat about something specific you're working on in your garden


... Explore how I can design your dream garden

We recommend that a 1 hour short consult is an appropriate amount of time to address a single design element (eg. how to fix my compost, what do I need to know about building a chicken coop, how to design an integrated work farm, how to build the infrastructure to grow berries, what to consider in planting for passive cooling), or a series of individual growing questions (eg. What’s wrong with my broccoli, my house plants are yellow, what sensory plants are good for my kids space)

Longer consults are recommended for discussing more in depth topics and design approaches. If you would like feedback on your own design proposal or want to discuss comprehensive management of waste from your household, or have help in designing a year-round growing plan specific to your family’s needs, then this is the consult for you.

At Sister in the Garden we want to see you empowered to feel confident to take the next steps in your garden and in implementing your permaculture design. We recognise that permaculture is best done at a slow and steady pace, and that absorbing the information and skills to do so is often best slow and steady too. We offer the option of booking an ongoing series of phone or video consults to be engaged at a regular interval that suits you (a week, fortnight or a month apart). Many people find it encouraging and very empowering to have regular support across changing seasons in implementing and growing their garden. In booking multiple regular sessions, we can get to know you and your space better, and in this way help you shape your design to be most productive, efficient and help you streamline your time and financial input into creating the most appropriate, flourishing and productive garden for your households needs.

Please Note . . .  We love chatting about permaculture and in booking any phone or video consult for any given length of time, we will likely be more than happy to chat a little longer to help you feel confident that you can take the next steps in your garden or its design. If the time to address the topics is simply not sufficient, it will be suggested that you extend your consult or book in for another conversation.





Phone or Video Consulting

The benefits of remote permaculture consulting are many and varied; sometimes video or phone chats are sufficient to help you overcome the hurdle you’re facing and be empowered to take the next steps in shaping your space. Without a consulting designer coming to your site, you save money. Phone and video consult allow us to provide expert expertise and bring you the fullness of our experience at an affordable cost.


What can we help with via phone or video consult?

The options are wide and varied. Including:

  • Discussing rotation of crops to feed your family all year round

  • If you have some ideas for the design of your space, but don’t have the confidence to implement them and uncertainty about where to start, we can work with you through a design concept you’ve come up with to resolve design issues and give you clarity and confirmation you’re on a good track for your property

  • Troubleshooting problems you have with your plants and vegetables in your existing system

  • Answering design strategy questions

  • Helping you schedule and stage your growing projects to be implemented over a certain timeframe

  • Discussing the building of certain elements within your garden of permaculture system

  • Helping couples and families get on the same page with what their design options are for a space, and what may best work for their growing family for the future

  • The list goes on....


What does this involve?

The process for chatting with Sister in the Garden is as follows:

  1. Schedule an appointment and pay using our secure payment method.

  2. Fill in the form to describe in as much detail as you can the nature of your questions or concerns, the parameters for your design, what you’ve already tried, etc.

  3. Upload pictures of your space, problem areas or plants, your own design suggestions and anything else that would be useful to help your designing consultant understand what your hurdles are

  4. We will contact you via email to confirm your booking

  5. At your designated chat time, grab yourself a cuppa and wait for the phone/video to ring!


Please note . . .  in detailing the topics for conversation in the form, we will review and if by slim chance there is something so highly specialised that is beyond the scope of our consulting practice, we will contact you to discuss and offer a full refund of your deposit if we are unable to assist. This will only be the case if your areas of conversation are for example specific veterinary questions about your chickens, engineering advice about large structures on your site or how to win next year’s grand prize for biggest pumpkin at the Royal Melbourne Show... well that last one, we could give you a few great tips, but can’t guarantee outcome!



We also offer Gift vouchers of consulting time and mentorships for you to give someone special.

Why not get a group of friends together and chip in to give a gift that will change someone’s life.

Brides and Grooms, why not ask for some consulting time on your gift registry for your friends and family to sow into your new life as a couple, to start you in good stead on your growing journey together.

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